October 15, four individuals joined the list of 36 wireless industry pioneers and innovators inducted into the prestigious Wireless Hall of Fame. Selected by the nonprofit Wireless History Foundation, the leaders were honored for their extraordinary service to the industry during a sparkling celebration attended by over 250 of their industry colleagues from across the country. The event also recognized the 30th anniversary of the launch of cellular communications in the United States.

October 15, four individuals joined the list of 36 wireless industry pioneers and innovators inducted into the prestigious Wireless Hall of Fame. Selected by the nonprofit Wireless History Foundation, the leaders were honored for their extraordinary service to the industry during a sparkling celebration attended by over 250 of their industry colleagues from across the country. The event also recognized the 30th anniversary of the launch of cellular communications in the United States.

The 2013 inductees are: Craig Farrill of FirstNet; Kris Rinne of AT&T; George Schmitt of xG Technology, Inc.; and Senator Mark Warner of Virginia.  In recorded video interviews played for the audience, the inductees shared highlights of their respective careers.  Short video retrospectives of 30 years of wireless from current Hall of Fame members preceded each award presentation.    

Jerry McGowan, attorney for wireless companies and former Ambassador to Portugal, accepted the award for Senator Warner, whose presence was required in Washington, D.C. due to negotiations regarding the federal government shutdown.  Kris Rinne accepted her award from Ralph de la Vega, President and CEO of AT&T Mobility.  Craig Farrill was introduced by his good friend and colleague Raj Singh, Chairman and CEO of Telcom Ventures, who was a Wireless Hall of Fame inductee in 2012.  Gary Cuccio, Director of xG Technology, Inc. presented the last award of the evening to George Schmitt.

For the reception, Mosaik Solutions created an oversized graphic depicting the history of network operator mergers and acquisitions over the past three decades. The graphic required more than two years of research. To salute 30 years of cellular service, Ericsson sponsored an Aquavit toast lead by Angel Ruiz at the start of dinner, reminiscent of the infrastructure provider’s widely remembered hospitality events at industry tradeshows in earlier years. Many current Wireless Hall of Fame members were in attendance and acknowledged from the podium.

The evening wrapped with WHF Board member Rob Mechaley, CEO of Mobilesphere Holdings LLC, and Chairman of the 2013 selection committee announcing that the 2014 Wireless Hall of Fame dinner celebration will take place Sept. 9 in Las Vegas during the week of the CCA 2014 Annual Convention and the CTIA 2014 Super Mobility Show.


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