Not so long ago, binders, calculators, and backpacks were the high dollar purchases for back to school shoppers.  Wireless devices have changed all that.  Laptops have become a common back to school purchase and these days it would be very hard for a student from 5th grade on up through college to be without one.  But now there are so many other wireless choices for students to help them be successful and stay connected.

Some considerations in choosing what devices are right for students are of course the cost, but also the function and features.  Tablets are easier to carry in backpacks and set up on classroom desks.  They may not have the memory or large keyboards like the standard laptop, but tablet manufacturers are putting everything they can into a small manageable package.  Features to consider besides price are screen size, memory, and battery life.  Does it have a QWERTY keypad, a full size USB port, an SD slot, or even an HDMI output source?  Will the student want or need any of these things?

Then we have the smart phone – this is the “must have” accessory for back to school.  These devices help a student stay on top of their busy schedule with an alarm clock, a calendar, reminder settings, and keeping up with clubs and groups through social networking capabilities.  The smart phone can also be helpful rather than a distraction in the classroom if it’s used for recording lectures, doing research, snapping pictures of the assignment, taking a video of the lesson, and as a quick resource for information.  Staying in touch with Mom and Dad is easy too, and not just with phone calls or texts, but using the smart phone’s camera features with FaceTime and Skype.   Choosing which smart phone might depend on the feature most important to the student.  Popular features like the camera on the HTC One X, the 4G LTE network of Android systems, and iTunes on the iPhone, might be the reason a student buys a particular smart phone.

It’s no doubt that back to school shoppers are making an investment when buying these new, amazing devices.  Getting excited about a backpack or a lunch box are rare when a student can now come to school with a tablet or smart phone.   Parents must think of it as a back to school investment in how their student stays successful and connected… wirelessly.



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