The Digital Archives Project is focused on the digital preservation of materials produced by participants in the development and growth of the cellular industry prior to 1995.

Original materials suitable for digitization and digital archiving are:

  • Photographic
  • Photos
  • Negatives
  • Transparencies
  • Film


  • Video tape
  • Audio tape

Artwork and Printed Materials:

  • System designs and drawings
  • Site plans
  • Company logos, brochures, marketing materials, etc.

Upon receipt of these materials, WHF will:

  • Digitize materials to multiple archival media
  • Return originals unless donor wishes they be retained by WHF
  • Conserve original materials consistent with current recommendations for such media
  • Make digital collections of materials available on the WHF Website
  • Provide digital copies for educational and research purposes

Materials will be accepted based on a grant to WHF of rights to use the provided materials for the non-commercial, educational purposes of the Foundation. If you or your organization has materials you would like to contribute to this effort, please contact us for further details.